Our School » Staff Directory

Staff Directory

Rice High School
1095 Raider Drive
Altair, TX 77412
(979) 234-3531 ext. 1200

Faculty and Staff

Administrative Staff
Kendall Center Principal
Ashley Baker Assistant Principal
Gail Warschak Counselor
Elda Vasquez-Castanda Secretary
Courtney Schiurring Instructional Technologist
Brad Dumont Athletic Director
Clarice Dumont District PEIMS
Nicole Joines ARD Facilitator
Teaching Staff
Alma Aguilar Cosmetology/Dual Credit
Jennel Allen Behavior Room
Jana Birmingham Professional Communications
Gary Carpenter Econ/Govt
Jennifer Chitmon Choir
Kasey Chitmon Band Director
Josh Chollett Welding/Agriculture
Darrell Engelbrecht Physics/AP Biology
Keely Ferreri Geometry
Vikki Ford Library Aid
Rolanda Foster DAEP Aid
Dan Garza Eng I and IV
Sean Hale Biology/AP Biology
Tim Harrison DAEP
Todd Ivicic Health/Athletics
Jasmine Jones Life Skills Aid
Melinda Kazmir DAEP Aid
Savannah Konvicka ART
Jennifer Kunetka Math Models/AQR
Jager Lee BIM/Athletics
David Leist Algebra I
John Luttrell Culinary Arts
Matt Lance Social Studies
Eunice McBeth Life Skills
Stephen Melton W. Geo/ W. Hist
Natasha Miller IPC/Chemistry
America Palacios Spanish I
Shannan Perez Eng II and III
Kirby Quintero Special Education
Marilyn Rutledge Special Education/504
Dean Schendel Algebra II/Pre-Calculus/Calculus
Michelle Schendel English/Debate
Riley Schneider PE
Kathleen Smolik Life Skills Aide
Erik Thormaehlen W. History/Debate
Debbie Ugarte Nurse/Health Science
Maria Wagner Spanish II, III, IV
Katie Walcik Adv Plant Soil, Floral, Weld
Jennifer Wiese Special Education Aide
Alesia Woolridge Journalism
Custodial Staff
Salvador Contreras
Maria Mejia  
Dora Mejia  
Sandra Mejia  
Cafeteria Staff
Carmel Romo  
Jessica Hernandez  
Adraiana Polanco  
Ruth Vazquez  
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